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RSS Glossary
- Blog:
- A blog (short for web log) is a public journal, usually posted with the most recent content first. Often these posts are also archived and searchable. Most of the larger blogs include RSS feeds.
- Feeds:
- Feeds are documents that list the latest changes to a website, often with brief descriptions and links to the full article. Sometimes called a channel.
- RSS (Really Simple Syndication):
- A format for displaying the latest changes to Web sites and blogs so they can be accessed by an RSS reader.
- RSS Reader:
- A program that monitors a site's RSS feeds and delivers an alert when the site content changes.See more about it.
- Subscribe:
- Subscribing to a feed adds it to the list of feeds that Pluck monitors for you. You subscribe in one of three ways:
- by dragging the subscriptions button into the Pluck pane of your browser (IE or Firefox edition)
- by clicking on the PluckIt! Bookmarklet or subscribe button (see below)
- by manually entering the URL of the RSS file
- Subscribe button or link
- The subscribe button or link can come in a variety of flavors:
- XML:
- XML (Extensible Markup Language) is the markup language used for RSS feeds.
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