
Property tax information


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Hurricane Information view rss file
June 1st through November 30th is Hurricane Season. forecasters are predicting a 70% chance of above average hurricane activity. This year to get you motivated to prepare early, Governor Bush signed into law the state's first sales tax holiday for...

Buying to Invest, using a syndicate - be careful view rss file
Buying to Invest, using a syndicate - be careful


I've been receiving your brilliant info mails for a while now and am sure I've missed the one article that would answer this question (or questions) but I really need some advice. Some friends and I are looking to set up a syndicate to purchase a property in the south of France. We have basic info gleaned from various magazine articles and Internet info but what we really need is more in depth info on group property purchases/capital gains tax/mortgage restrictions either UK based or France based...any suggestions would be most gratefully received.

Growth prompts move on new tax view rss file


Family says offer for property unfair view rss file


Family says offer for property unfair view rss file


Fuel tax hike's supporters raise ,000 view rss file


Beazley seeks tax cuts to offset petrol price increase view rss file


HGTV 'Dream Home' has become tax nightmare for winner view rss file


Property valuation software forecasts increasing prices view rss file
Property valuation software forecasts increasing prices in metropolitan areas next year

HGTV 'Dream Home' has become tax nightmare for house winner view rss file


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