
Mail server anti spam software


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Rss itemes about Mail server anti spam software :

Yahoo and Cisco combine their anti-spam technologies view rss file
Yahoo and Cisco this week announced they are combining their anti-spam technologies to create a new e-mail authentication system.

Thinking of buying an e-mail firewall? view rss file
There's more to securing your e-mail systems than just getting rid of spam. In this article, TechWorld looks at some of the functions of a true e-mail firewall that sets it apart from a basic anti-spam device.

Can the spam? view rss file
spam, SurfControl, e-mail, messaging

Microsoft closes Sybari deal, will run company as subsidiary view rss file
Microsoft on Tuesday closed its acquisition of Sybari Software and said the anti-virus and anti-spam vendor would remain a wholly owned subsidiary but that Microsoft would discontinue Sybari?s line of Unix and Linux products.

Microsoft launches Hotmail anti-spam toolbar view rss file
'Safety' bar feature seen by some as a ploy

Fake Microsoft security alert includes Trojan patch view rss file
A new wave of spam that disguises itself as a Microsoft security bulletin contains a link to malicious software that gives attackers complete access to the infected machine, security researchers are reporting. The e-mail, which began circulating late Tuesday, identifies itself as Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-039, and offers a link to what it claims is a patch against the Sober Zafi and Mytob worms.

Deskless workers view rss file
IBM, Lotus, Domino, Next Gen Mail Server, deskless worker

Trend Micro Acquires Kelkea Inc. view rss file

Trend Micro Acquires Kelkea Inc.

Advanced IP filtering and reputation services technologies combined with Trend Micro security expertise accelerates capability to fight emerging threats

Cupertino, California Â- June 14, 2005 Â- Trend Micro Inc. (TSE: 4704, NASDAQ: TMIC), a leader in network antivirus and Internet content security software and services, today announced it has acquired Kelkea Inc. a leading authority on IP filtering and reputation services, by Trend MicroÂ's United States subsidiary. This acquisition advances the opportunity for Trend Micro to develop network-level solutions against emerging and evolving threats such as phishing, pharming, and those that can be launched via botnets, and enhance its current anti-spam solutions.

????Spam&Ping-Spam????????? view rss file
???? Spam?Ping Spam????????Blogger????????????

Book Review: Hacking A Terror Network view rss file
It is hard to be all things at once. Hybrid network security appliances that roll a firewall in with an IDS, antivirus and anti-spam tend to do a fair job at all tasks without being the very best at any...

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