
Message sms sweet
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Rss itemes about Message sms sweet :

SMS Crossword view rss file
Nifty SMS Innovations for Newspapers A Swedish newspaper group has come up with the "SMS crossword." This is a newspaper crossword contest in which a successful solution produces a code that is sent by the reader via SMS (cell-phone text message) to the newspaper, where the results are then sorted into a database and a winner is selected.

Shankar's Sweet Dilemma view rss file


School results via SMS a big hit view rss file


(french / Hacktivism ) SMS Gratuits et Solidarité view rss file


SFP: Home, Sweet, Home view rss file


Rice modifies Bush's message view rss file


SMS, Paging, and Messaging Support Forum view rss file
If you have questions related to SMS, paging, or messaging be to post in the NotePage support forum.

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth view rss file
Got a hankering for a sweet treat? Check out our suggestions for treats that will give your sweet tooth a thrill while keeping your calorie intake in check....

S-MesS! view rss file
Computing Services estimates , Edinburgh University students received erroneous emails last weekend, threatening the imminent closure of their university SMS email accounts.

How SMS Could Save a Life view rss file
Fascinating article about How SMS saved a life.

"How do you make the expertise of two doctors and two nurses spread far and wide enough to take care of more than 500 HIV/AIDS patients? In this gritty township, the answer is text messaging."

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