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Elvis on BBC TV view rss file
BBC 4 plan to show some of Elvis' show in Glastonbury on June 24....

'Bewitched' is enchanting fare view rss file
A smart remake of the TV show is pleasant - for a short spell.

it's always the little things view rss file
Aside from the usual suspects ("Cooking for One", Netflix, a tv in the bedroom, an out of control 'Hobby Budget', the obligatory dog, a quick ability to divide dinner checks by 3, etc), my life as a Chronically Single Gal...

Tucker Carlson Takes Another Shot view rss file
Tucker will be hosting another prime-time TV talk show for MSNBC starting June 14, 2005. The "Chicago Sun-Times" reports this political talk show will be called "The Situation." I wonder if Jon Stewart will have anything...

Oprah's Number One view rss file
No, I'm not stating the obvious. Oprah's afternoon program has consistently been the number one TV talk show for decades. Reuters.com reported this week that Oprah's ranking has...

DIY TV view rss file


Six More Years For Ellen view rss file
Ellen DeGeneres has signed up to do her syndicated TV talk show for six more years. With that kind of security, it's no wonder that Ellen and Portia have purchased a home together....

Summer TV Viewing: Medium view rss file
"Medium" was all over the NBC Upfront presentation as the show that "saved" NBC this season. (Naturally, it's produced by CBS' parent company and don't think Les Moonves didn't gloat over that one.) It's re-running all summer. For those of...

Scrubs: The Complete First Season view rss file
DVD Reviews: It's always easy to blame the big bad network when a good TV show fails to find its audience, but in the case of creator Bill Lawrence's criminally underwatched NBC laffer "Scrubs," there really is no other plausible suspect.

Stella: Tonight on Comedy Central view rss file
Premiering tonight on Comedy Central, "Stella," is hands-down my most anticipated show of the summer. Summer TV tends to be divided into two categories: dumb reality shows and high-brow cable fare. "Stella" is neither, and "neither" right now is right...

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