
Anywho reverse lookup of phone numbers


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Arnold Schwarzenegger view rss file
The other day we found out that Steve (one of our developers) has the same phone number as Arnold Schwarzenegger!  Steve had a bizarre voice mail from someone looking for Arnie.  We're not sure why Steve's greeting led them to believe that they should actually leave their number...  We scratched our heads for a minute, but then realized that area code 415 was in California (one digit different from Redmond's 425).  So a quick reverse phone number lookup confirmed that Steve's phone number is identical to the California Governor's Office!  Apparently this explains several phone messages that Steve has recieved over the years.  The only question is how we can use this for profit and fame...

SBC TAP Numbers Added view rss file
NotePage has added a number of SBC TAP phone numbers to their large database of TAP numbers.

When sending text messages to pagers and cell phone, the terminal phone number is required we have listed the most commonly used numbers along with the settings. Please let us know of any additional modem numbers that you would like to have added to the database.

The database allows users to look-up telecom companies by name.


31 March 2005 -- KRvW Associates gets new phone numbers view rss file
Our phone contact information has changed! Sorry for the inconvenience, but we have recently installed a new phone system for the company. Please update your rolodexes with the contact info found via this link.

Beleaguered Bush struggles to reverse tide of pessimism over Iraq view rss file


iWork Not Selling: Numbers To The Rescue view rss file


Cell Phones, Text Messaging and Google view rss file
Google has come to cellphones -- the cheap ones, not just the fancy color-screen models with Web access. Over the last month, the popular search engine company
has quietly turned on a new service that lets people use most newer cellphone models to get snippets of information by sending short text messages to a special
five-digit number, 46645, which spells GOOGL on a phone keypad.

People looking for a list of pizza or Chinese restaurants in Back Bay, for example, just have to send the message "pizza 02116" or "Chinese 02116." Within 10 seconds or so, Google shoots back one or more text messages listing restaurants with addresses and phone numbers from its Google Local page.


Tour by numbers view rss file
The Tour de France by numbers. Pfff

How to Decide if a Reverse Mortgage is Right for You view rss file
A reverse mortgage is a special type of loan that seniors can sometimes get to convert the equity in their homes to cash. In years past, the only way to get money from your home was to sell it and...

Southern California homes for sale - numbers up on month view rss file
Strong southern california home sales continue but numbers down on year

Take-Five Winning Numbers view rss file

Take-Five Winning Numbers

SCHENECTADY, N.Y., June 19 /PRNewswire/ --
The TAKE FIVE winning numbers for Saturday, June 18, 2005 were:

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