
877 area code number phone


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Rss itemes about 877 area code number phone :

Arnold Schwarzenegger view rss file
The other day we found out that Steve (one of our developers) has the same phone number as Arnold Schwarzenegger!  Steve had a bizarre voice mail from someone looking for Arnie.  We're not sure why Steve's greeting led them to believe that they should actually leave their number...  We scratched our heads for a minute, but then realized that area code 415 was in California (one digit different from Redmond's 425).  So a quick reverse phone number lookup confirmed that Steve's phone number is identical to the California Governor's Office!  Apparently this explains several phone messages that Steve has recieved over the years.  The only question is how we can use this for profit and fame...

iTunes 4.9 Indicates iPod Phone To Come view rss file
As reported by The Mac Observer, code imbedded in the new realease of iTunes, version 4.9, indicates the coming of an iPod and iTunes enabled mobile phone. According to the Mac Observer, A resource file that is included with iTunes...

SBC TAP Numbers Added view rss file
NotePage has added a number of SBC TAP phone numbers to their large database of TAP numbers.

When sending text messages to pagers and cell phone, the terminal phone number is required we have listed the most commonly used numbers along with the settings. Please let us know of any additional modem numbers that you would like to have added to the database.

The database allows users to look-up telecom companies by name.


PHP code view rss file

Santa Barbara Real Estate Comparison of this Year vs. Last for Montecito view rss file
In the Condo Market for Santa Barbara Real EstateĀ's Montecito area there are 10 fewer properties for sale this year for a decrease of -33% and New Listings for the year are also off by about the same number with...

Skype me view rss file

Skype allows you to make phone calls anywhere in the world from your PC for about 2 cents an minute. You can receive calls too, plus there's voicemail and file transfer. Calls can be made to/from a Skype number or a regular phone number.

All you need is a headset (mine was at Radio Shack) and you're set to go.

If you have Skype, I'm polizerosbob.


Santa Barbara Real Estate Comparison of this Year vs. Last for Carpinteria/Summerland view rss file
In the Carpinteria/Summerland area of Santa Barbara Real Estate for the Condo Market the number of total listings for the entire year versus what was on the market last year is up by 10 for a 16% increase and the...

SMS Crossword view rss file
Nifty SMS Innovations for Newspapers A Swedish newspaper group has come up with the "SMS crossword." This is a newspaper crossword contest in which a successful solution produces a code that is sent by the reader via SMS (cell-phone text message) to the newspaper, where the results are then sorted into a database and a winner is selected.

Santa Barbara Real Estate Comparison of this Year vs. Last for Goleta South view rss file
For the Santa Barbara Real Estate condo market in the Goleta South Area the number of listings are up with 47 last year to 62 this year for an increase of 31%. Likewise the numbers of new listings to come...

Santa Barbara Real Estate Comparison of this Year vs. Last for Goleta North view rss file
For the Santa Barbara Real Estate condo market in the Goleta North Area the number of listings are down -11% with 52 last year and 46 this year. Also the numbers of new listings are down with 48 last year...

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