
Online criminal justice master degree


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Prince William Earns M.A. in Geography view rss file
While it took your Editor and Guide eight years to complete his master's degree in geography (because real life gets in the way), Prince William happened to earn his without really trying. The Prince plans to start military training this...

Justice Talking - Live! view rss file


Japan, China eye criminal investigation treaty view rss file


Admiralty, Law Firm Marketing, Estate Planning, Criminal Law view rss file


Phishing justice, frontier style view rss file
Netcraft reports that online vigilantes have started taking down phishing sites: ... Phishing sites are commonly found hosted on compromised web servers, where lack of security allows fraudsters to access machines and upload phishing content. If a fraudster exploits these security weaknesses without subsequently securing...

Shaquille OÂ'Neal Receives His MBA! view rss file
A couple of days ago, Shaquille "Shaq" O'Neal, completed courses online at the University of Phoenix and got himself an MBA degree. Comparing his basketball career with his MBA education, he said, "Sports for me has always been, you know,...

How to enforce at least one detail record view rss file
I have a master table with a MASTER_TYPE-column. Depending of the value of the MASTER_TYPE column, I want to enforce that there exists at least one detail record. CREATE TABLE master ( master_id NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, master_t...

Teen videotapes his criminal acts view rss file
Bordermail.com.au - Sat Jun 25, 06:09 am GMT

Criminal Enterprise Moves Into Net view rss file
In this edition of W2K News: It's the 2005 Target Awards Time!, Webinar: "Data Availability Solutions", Criminal Enterprise Moves Into Net, Get Up To Speed: Virtualization, From The Trenches: AD Problems And Solutions, and much more!

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