
Free knitting pattern


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Still here view rss file
Once again.. Still here and still knitting. I'm currently overwhelmed with farm work. Kiri is nearly finished and I'll post...

Unconventional Stress Relievers view rss file
Ever tried knitting, bread baking, or stargazing to relieve stress? Read about five of the most common unconventional ways to control stress. You might find the perfect method for you!...

Pattern-Matching SPI-Calculus view rss file
Cryptographic protocols often make use of nested cryptographic primitives, for example signed message digests, or encrypted signed messages. Gordon and Jeffrey's prior work on types for authenticity did not allow for such nested cryptography. This paper presents the pattern-matching spi-calculus, which is an obvious extension of the spi-calculus to include pattern-matching as primitive.

Capitalizing On News Stories: Lessons Learned From A Poncho view rss file
Trivia Question: What are two of the hottest hobbies out there and what does a poncho have to do with this craze? Answer: Knitting and crocheting. And the fact that Martha Stewart was wearing a poncho as she was released from prison knitted by a fellow inmate has kicked the...

The Rest Step view rss file
"A common mistake for beginning mountaineers is the inability to pace themselves on the long climbs and approaches. The lack of pace results in a sporadic starting and stopping pattern, that eventually takes longer and drains the body of vital...

Oceanspray, Creambush, Ironwood view rss file

These are all names for Holodiscus discolor; it?s a Pacific-Northwest native and the last of the names is a translation of what the aboriginal people called them, apparently the wood is hard enough to make knitting needles and so on. It?s three years since we put it in, and the first year it?s flowered...


Hardwood Flooring view rss file
IĀ'm a big believer in sweat equity and putting PCs to work around the house. Whether itĀ's building a shed, laying out a laminate floor, or designing a pattern for a ceramic tile entryway, PCs have their place in the...

Synchronizing Data Access Object view rss file
Problem: synchronizing CRUD operations over mutiple data sources (i.e. multiple databases)

Solution: The Synchronizing Data Access Object (SDAO) design pattern adds a second layer of abstraction. Extending the traditional Data Access Object design pattern, the SDAO acts on multiple Data Sources, rather than one specific DataSource.

Domain Searching Using Visitors view rss file
Modern applications typically require domain searching functionality--the ability to search for data within the context of the application domain. In this article, Paul Mukherjee describes an approach to domain searching using the Visitor pattern, and explains its advantages.

Draw Animals Step-By-Step view rss file
Bored kids? Try these easy step-by-step animal drawings to keep them occupied. This style of step-by-step doesn't allow much room for creativity, but kids can add their own style with pattern and color, as well as drawing their own background...

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