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Microsoft Loves RSS view rss file
The blogoshpere is buzzing about Microsoft's announced support for RSS. Here's a quick history of how they got there, and the good and bad on what they are adding to the standard.

heroes from the north view rss file
Michael Geist is a professor at University of Ottowa. He's certainly one the most prolific and effective advocates for all things good. Among the million things he does is write a weekly column for the Toronto Star. That writing, along with his other work, has angered those with whom he disagrees. Of course, I know well what it's like to be, let's say, not liked. But I've been astonished by the means deployed by our friends in the North for dealing with people they don't like. So too have I been amazed at the rhetoric. Check out Michael's post, Groundhog Day to get a flavor. I guess this is as good a measure as any of effectiveness. Bravo, Michael.

Software & Shoes view rss file
Why is your favorite piece of software like an old pair of shoes? Think about it ... Do you have one piece of software that you've been using for ages? It may not have all the latest bells and whistles,...

Donor-Advised Funds view rss file
Donor-advised funds are being used more than ever to support charities. As this type of giving method continues to evolve, it's good to have a basic understanding of the process, benefits and issues donors and charities must consider to make...

Baby Shoes Protect Tender Feet view rss file
Summer is a great time for new walkers to explore barefoot, but all babies need a sturdy pair of shoes to keep their tender feet protected from hot sidewalks, rocks and other summer hazards. Not sure how to choose a...

Donating to charity - Share your success and support a good cause view rss file
It's very likely that you have heard about John Reese's new "Traffic Secrets" course - it hit the internet like a hurricane in middle of August. Well, thanks to his joint ventures he made over ,000,000 in sales in less...

Prison Linux Users view rss file
On the Western Cape Linux Users Group mailing lists, the subject of providing support to potential Linux users in prison was brought up. Someone expressed that they had little sympathy for criminals, and this was my attempt to explain why it's a good idea to care about the skills prisoners learn while in jail. (647 words)

Beginners How to Get Started FAQ view rss file
Help for beginners on the best racquets, balls, and shoes to buy; when and how to take lessons; how to practice; and how to have more fun playing....

Turquoise Fashion Pieces view rss file
Turquoise, the hottest hue of the season, isn't just for jewelry anymore. Find this pretty blue-green color in everything from shoes to bags to accessories. (Skirt, left, from Liz Claiborne)....

Apple Dropping Virex Support view rss file


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